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yottagame offers you the full range of gangster experience


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Mafia City was released in October of last year and was praised for its interesting story and tight gunplay. If you’re itching for an excuse to return to the city of New Bordeaux then you’ll be pleased to learn that Mafia City’s first story city gangster games is now available to purchase.
It was absolutely urgent that Lincoln feel like he have agency in his own story. I think it's important that we have a black man's face on the cover of this mafia game. That's incredibly exciting! We don't want to feel like, "Well, he's just a cog in the machine," or whatever. He's the one driving this narrative. It's his purposeful path that drives everything from act one to the very end of the mafia game.
I suspect a similar strategy was behind bringing Mafia 2 and Mafia City H5 to the online distributor too, which means the organised crime series is now available to play DRM-free in its entirety. To mark the occasion, each game is subject to a limited-time 50 percent discount—66 percent if pick them up together. Is that an offer you can't refuse? You tell me.
It’s also safe to say that Yottagame is a different studio now than it was when mafia game came out. Throughout all of my interviews with those familiar with the company, there’s been one common thread: Everyone had hoped for more. After Mafia City, both fans and the staff of Yottagame were thrilled to see what would come next. Now, there are nothing but questions, and a studio that looks far different than it did just a year ago.
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