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It is a beach umbrella, obviously. I suppose this type of thing was fortnite items, at any stage? Beach umbrellas are, on a technical level, among the chief umbrella subsets in the end. The introduction of Lazy Links and Paradise Palms follow a clear type of summertime fun sub-themesomething which we also see with all the newest lifeguard and leaked shark skins. The beach umbrella is definitely part of the theme, even if I am not all that wild about it, overall. Last season saw a strange-looking graffiti-covered umbrella having some true personality, and the season before that watched my favorite so far, and not just because it's the only one I have: a red paper parasol with dragon detail.

Thus far, Season 5 is a little bit difficult to pin down, similar to Fortnite itself. Most people assumed it would be time traveling, and I am disinclined to come out and say it isn't time traveling. But it's obviously a great deal of other stuff too: the two large new regions are kind of summertime fun themed, using a little California moving on. The beach umbrella is definitely a part of that narrative, I would argue.

'Fortnite' Servers Are Away, Epic Promising More Updates

It is a huge day for Fortnite: Battle Royale. Season 5 launched this afternoon, bringing with it a fresh battle pass plus a package of changes both little and big. Developer Epic Games just announced that it would be taking down servers to explore matchmaking and login problems that was cropping up over the course of the evening. As usual, there is no word on uptime, but you are able to keep tabs on the status here.

It's a significant drawback for a day that was going fairly well for Epic Games, even if some server problems over at PlayStation Network have been giving PS4 users a few difficulties. It doesn't seem to be a terrific day on the technical side of things News about fortnite.

Fortnite has had some intermittent technical problems recently, most notably some matchmaking problems that caused the programmer to postpone the much-anticipated Playground style for a week. Nonetheless, it's been some time since it saw extended unplanned downtime, and so we hope that isn't what we're considering here.

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