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Rainbow Six Siege Is An Multiplayer Shooter


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While both new operators, Clash and Maverick, help address some of the game's balance issues, R6 credits is the remainder of the update that will bring a great deal more widespread and critical fixes to the game. Ubisoft has released its patch notes for the upgrade, detailing what's fresh, and the design reasoning behind the changes.

It's important to understand that not all these changes will be included in the game in the moment Grim Sky launches. Many of them will be analyzed (some throughout the Tactical Test Server, some internally at Ubisoft ) and introduced gradually over several spots during Grim Sky's period. Seasons last between two and three months, so consider the advice below more as a roadmap and not as conventional'patch notes'.

Firstly, Ranked Play on PC will require players to have empowered authentication. Ubisoft has confirmed this will develop into Grim Sky per month into effect, of informing players of the incoming change after a span. This is, presumably, an effort to cut down on'smurfing', or knowledgeable players making new accounts to worse and troll, increase novices to higher positions. On the other hand, , or players who trigger two-factor authentication have it activated, will receive an exclusive package for Thermite.

Another change would be the fixes for the weapon sight misalignment that is long-standing. Formerly, while the very first bullet fired -- especially against fully-automatic weapons - would hit at which a weapon sight's reticule was set, any shot after that would be ever-so-slightly off. This causes significant problems in a game such as Siege, where being pixel-perfect may be the difference between killing an enemy and being murdered.

To correct that, the recoil process is being entirely overhauled. Information at twitter claims this shift will be the start of a larger discussion regarding weapons, with multiple improvements and evaluations for different changes coming from future updates.

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